Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pray for Japan

(taken in April 2008 in BC)
It has been a devastating few months for the world: Australia floods, New Zealand earthquake, China earthquake, and the protests/rebels in middle east and north Africa. Since last week, Japan has undergone countless earthquakes, tsunamis, then volcano explosion, bird-flu, and nuclear plants explosions and possible meltdown.

We have witnessed people from all over the world giving their best efforts to rescue lives and to restore cities.

At this time, let us pray for the world, and specifically for Japan as people in Japan are still experiencing earthquakes and nuclear threats.

Let us pray
to have our eyes opened to see the bigger picture of the present world

Let us pray
to be aware of the responsibilities we have

Let us pray
to have the heart, words, and actions to comfort those in needs.

If you still cannot find your relatives and friends in Japan, you can register Finding Family Links with Red Cross or Person Finder at Google.

If you are finding ways to donate, you can find several non-profit organizations such as the ones listed in this Vancouver Sun article.

If you are unsure if you are prepared when natural disaster hits Vancouver, visit our Provincial Emergency Program.

Let us hope for the very best, and be prepared for the very worst.

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